
Point has transformed the way homeowners finance their homes, giving homeowners cash today for a share of their home’s future appreciation, and providing institutional investors access to investment opportunities in the equity in primarily owner-occupied US single-family residential real estate.

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Point in the media

Our innovative products have been featured in top publications.

Business Insider
Point CEO, Eddie Lim made Business Insider's 100 people who are transforming business
Every year, Insider surfaces 100 leaders across 10 industries who are driving unprecedented change and innovation. Lim, the CEO and cofounder of Point, wants to make it easier for people to tap into that wealth. Lim’s company, which he founded alongside Eoin Matthews in 2015, offers homeowners lump sums of cash in exchange for a stake in their home.
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Point closes on $115M to give homeowners a way to cash out on equity in their homes
Historically, homeowners could only tap into the equity of their homes by taking out a home equity loan or refinancing. But a new category of startups has emerged in recent years to give homeowners more options to cash in on their homes in exchange for a share of the future value of their homes.
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